Suela de goma para salón de baile latino, salsa, tango, zapatos de baile, uso exterior
Este producto debe comprarse junto con los zapatos de baile, pegaremos suela de goma a los zapatos que ordenó, si no desea que se pegue, envíelos por separado, déjenos un mensaje.
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Dance Shoes Heel Protectors
Due to the constant use and friction with the track caused by rapid movements, Latin dance shoes are prone to wear. The constant use of these wear the heel tip with speed. Avoiding this is necessary if you do not...
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Dance Shoes Suede Sole Brush
Instruction Due to their constant use, it is common that latin dance shoes wear out. Despite the soles remaining unseen, their effects, if damaged, will be noticeable. As the sole becomes smoother, it stops having the same grasp, making it easier...
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